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14 Tips to Boost Sales in 2021 - CVent

October 23, 2020 1:30 PM | Morgan Christopher (Administrator)

Times are still tough for hotels and the meetings and events industry, but things are shifting along the road to recovery. Small in-person meetings are beginning again in some areas. People are getting excited about future travel plans and trips within driving distance. In a PCMA Convene survey from July 2020, 33% of planners said that smaller local and regional events will return before larger-scale events, and nearly 20% think there will be a pent-up demand for in-person meetings.

Group business will return. In the meantime, take this time to revamp your strategies and be ready for what lies ahead. In this blog post, we cover tips you need to know to boost hotel sales and prepare for resuming – and growing – your group business.

Full blog: https://www.cvent.com/en/blog/hospitality/boost-hotel-sales?utm_medium=marketing_email&utm_source=internal&utm_campaign=HC-Sales-Sol--Blog-eblast-Oct-2020&utm_content=INV_Email&utm_term=EM133490A1LA1&utm_ptype=DG&utm_bus=HC&utm_prod=GSS&utm_reg=NA&utm_aud=ALL&utm_per=SPMBAP&LS=INV_GoodWorks_and_GreatIdeas_OCT&refid=NV_GoodWorks_and_GreatIdeas_OCT&f=Morgan&l=Christopher&email=sales@endlessmountains.org&t=Director%20of%20Sales&p=(570)%20836-5431&c=Endless%20Mountains%20Visitors%20Bureau&src=c_em&mid=B5SH7HC&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTlRWaVlXTTJOamM0TjJZMCIsInQiOiJZMXR2MFV1UmQ1UkpOays2UWNsM0k1TDJSM1dGbjhHU0p3N2ZCcGF0dnk4eGdxZGtyS3FRVkdhaXZvQkh4UmJYajcyamFHMysyU1lXSzY2WnB4TGp5czkrY3ArQVh4M3ZCa0JWSVNkMXR4dlRlTFd0WUNyMnZ6OUp6Nzl2TnlxWiJ9


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